Plus Membership
This includes FULL ACCESS to Joffe Academy
This includes FULL ACCESS to Joffe Academy
All Courses
Steve Smith and members of Joffe Emergency Services discuss how their work in risk management and emergency services overlap.
All Courses
Topic: ICE Resources for Schools
All Courses
Topic: LA Area Fires
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Dr. Olivia Ellison talks about Trends in School-Based Gun Violence Surveillance Systems.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Cynthia Romero talks about promoting safety and preparedness within communities.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Megan Mann talks about The Impact of Geopolitical Events on Campus
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Michael Wells answers questions regarding Fire Safety
All Courses
Topic: Navigating Social Media Threats In Schools
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
At Joffe, we have prepared a toolkit to assist you in providing immediate support when a shooting occurs at another school. These materials are not designed for the school that was directly impacted. If your school needs support, please contact us.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This toolkit represents a series of resources of best practices for school safety during the political season.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This toolkit represents a series of actions that schools might consider taking to communicate about the recent political violence.
All Courses
Topic: 24-25 Trends
This course is part of the End of the Year Activities Toolkit, and is full of templates and resources tho end your school year.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Jim Hulbert answers questions regarding crisis communication
All Courses, The Speaker Series
SPARC members, Nat and Karen and Cat Cecere, managing director of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss ensuring safety beyond the traditional school hours.
All Courses, Compliance
Developed for school administrators, safety personnel, and HR professionals, the "Workplace Violence Prevention" course offers strategies for preventing and managing workplace violence in educational settings. SB 553 mandates this training for all Ca
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Carly Posey shares her story of her children surviving the Sandy Hook shooting.
All Courses
Topic: Crisis Communication
All Courses
Topic: Minimizing Trauma During Lockdown Drills
All Courses
Topic: Decision Making and Roles & Responsibilities
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Caitlin Malone, founder of Kids Best Friends and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss enhancing school safety with dual-purpose working dogs.
All Courses
Explore this complimentary guide detailing the procedures schools can follow to reduce the risk of liability.
All Courses
Topic: Who owns safety and security? A role and responsibility exercise for schools of all sizes and types
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Sarah H Fay, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss risk liability mitigation
All Courses
Topic: Risk vs Threat and Behavior Threat Assessments
This course is part of the Behavior Threat Assessment Toolkit, and is full of templates and resources that walk you through this 8 step process.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This toolkit represents a series of actions and best practices that schools might consider taking to respond to a bomb threat.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This toolkit represents a series of actions that schools might consider taking to communicate about the recent developments on the war in Gaza and Israel.
All Courses
Topic: Israel/Gaza War Impact on US Schools and October Safety Initiatives
All Courses
Topic: Navigating Threats in Schools
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Michael Robinson, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss school safety committees
All Courses
Topic: '23-'24 Trends and Action Steps
All Courses
Topic: Weather Emergencies and Natural Disaster Preparedness
All Courses, Safety & Security
This Joffe toolkit is full of resources for learning more about how to establish a safety committee, or how to maximize your existing committees.
This course is part of the Roadmap to Reunification Toolkit, and is full of templates and resources that walk you through this 9 step process.
All Courses, Safety & Security
In this module, you will learn how to facilitate a functional emergency exercise at your school. We will discuss how to prepare, how to lead discussions with your faculty and staff, and what is most important to learn from the exercise.
All Courses
All Courses
Topic: Getting Your Board Chair Invested in Safety
All Courses, Leadership
When schools are engaging in emergency preparedness activities, it is important they engage with those community resources, developing relationships that can provide crucial in an emergency and this module will show you how to make that connection.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Claire Marie, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss trauma informed drills
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Topic: Mental Health- What Does that Mean for Us?
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
This module will illustrate the role that campus movement restrictions play in responding to hazards and empower you to incorporate campus movement restrictions into your emergency plans.
All Courses
Topic: Secure Doors and Locks
All Courses
Topic: Business Continuity Plans
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership, Safety & Security
A BCP should be supplemental and not a replacement to an Emergency Operations Plan. This module will provide and highlight the essential components a BCP should have as well as provide a roadmap for how to create one.
All Courses
Topic: Post-Nashville Shooting Reflections & Resources
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
At Joffe, our hope during difficult moments like this one is to provide a framework for our schools as a whole to leverage -- to be an aid station for you as you continue taking steps forward. That is the goal of this toolkit.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Dr. Nancy Zarse, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss threat assessment in a school environment.
All Courses
Topic: Maintaining a Healthy Campus, Workplace Stressors and Supports for School Health Professionals, Youth Mental Health Crises and Substance Use, School Connectedness: Relationship Building Among Joffe Health Coordinators
All Courses
Topic: Behavior Threat Assessment, Staff Turn Over, and Joffe Security Best Practices
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership, Safety & Security
The purpose of an EOP is to plan and develop a course of action for emergency response. The EOP should provide school staff the who, what, when, where, and why for each possible threat or hazard and then move into practicing the plans in place.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
From an Opioid Awareness module to Narcan template letters, this toolkit offers resources to help raise awareness and educate your community about how to safely implement Narcan into your school's response plan.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Kristen Power and Jen Sherman from Magnus Health, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss the tracking and management of student health data.
All Courses
Topic: Run, Hide, Fight vs Lockdown Debate Recap along with Q & A
All Courses, The Speaker Series
This exciting, recorded live event between two nationally known experts battle the issue of which methodology is best during an active shooter.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
Safety for staff and students is a top priority for schools, and when a school is co-located with a house of worship, there is an elevation of safety considerations. This module is in partnership with ISLA, the Islamic Schools League of America.
All Courses
Topic: Morning Security Arrival Best Practices, Sport Injury Prevention and Emergency Protocols
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Mikey Latner and Henry Meier from Project: Camp, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss crisis response with children.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership
Social media is one of the most common ways that schools receive threats. Schools should have a plan to monitor, detect and respond to social media threats, whether they are vague or specific. In this module, we cover how to respond to these threats.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
This training describes threat assessment, which enables the early identification and intervention of violence and discovers the power of one simple question: is there movement from thought to action?
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Shallan Ramsey, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, discuss blood born pathogen awareness and female hygiene education.
All Courses
Topic: To Barricade or Not Barricade and Tripledemic
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
Awareness of the risks of prescription opioid use and being informed about the appropriate use of opioids and non-opioid alternatives, when appropriate, is important to help prevent opioid misuse and avoid a potential path to addiction.
All Courses
Topic: Gun Safety, Access to Weapons, and Halloween Safety
All Courses
Topic: Fentanyl OD/Narcan on Campus and October- The Great Shakeout & other drills
All Courses
Topic: September is National Suicide Prevention Month and “Swatting” Hoaxes in Schools
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
Having specific extracurricular activities protocols in place will not only offer safety and peace of mind, but allow for plans to be in place if an emergency occurs outside of the traditional school day.
All Courses
Topic: Emergency Preparedness on Open Campuses- Philosophy and Considerations Along with COVID Updates
All Courses
Topic: Meaningful, Trauma-Informed, Emergency Preparedness including Compliance of Drills, How to Make Drills Meaningful and Trauma-Informed Approach
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Risk expert, Steve Smith, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services discuss the beneficial risks of outdoor programs and how to design our outdoor programs optimize those beneficial risks.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This training discusses the best practices when addressing the monkeypox outbreak that affected schools in August 2022.
All Courses
Topic: Reflections from Uvalde and Joffe Division Updates
All Courses
Topic: Updates from Chris: Who are we? What’s staying the same? What’s new?
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
Outdoor risk expert, Steve Smith, shares how to learn from near misses of incidents. Being able to distinguish between a normal occurrence, a near-miss, and a reportable incident are just a few areas this module will investigate.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership, Safety & Security
This module is designed to help you build a crisis communication plan for your school or organization. We’ll explain why and how communication can make or break your success in responding to an emergency to prevent traumatic circumstances.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
In this module, you’ll gain a basic understanding of how physical security works, and what to expect from your security team.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
National presenter, Frank DeAngelis, and CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, Chris Joffe, discuss reflections on resilience and the leadership needed during recovery.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Dr. Jaclyn Schildkraut, and Chris Joffe, CEO of Joffe Emergency Services discuss the mass shootings tragedies and the best practices schools can follow to make their learning environment safer for their students and staff.
All Courses
Topic: Infection Disease Tabletop Exercise with the Distinguished Presenters, The Jane Group
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Topic: Mental Health and COVID Best Practices
All Courses
Topic: COVID Trends, Updates, and Best Practices
All Courses
Topic: Small Groups with Schools, Current Events with Russia and Ukraine, and 5 Things We Expect to See in 2022
All Courses
Topics: COVID, Cybersecurity, Russia/Ukraine, and Teacher Shortages
All Courses
Topic: COVID and Cybersecurity
All Courses
Topic: Get CPR Done and Planning for Summer 2022
All Courses
Topics: COVID, 100 Days of May, and Mental Health Awareness Month
All Courses
Topic: Ending the School Year, Summer 2022, COVID and Monkeypox
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
Once an ICS is in place, it is important for a school to be prepared by practicing emergency scenarios. Running a tabletop allows participants to learn from practicing all steps, procedures, communication methods, and best practices.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Health Emergencies
Life-threatening allergies require school faculty to be observant and spring into action if necessary. In this module, life-threatening allergies reactions and best practices will be explored.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Health Emergencies
Asthma is a condition that many children have to live with, but when faculty is informed of the details of the conditions and a plan is formed, our children can be even more protected and safe in their community of learning.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
In this module, we will discuss the best practices for student and family reunification after an emergency event.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
When an emergency strikes and the school has an incident command system in place, each staff member knows their role, responsibility, and who to look to for guidance. This module will act as an orientation tool and standard best practices by Joffe.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Rahel Bayar and Chris Joffe, discuss sexual abuse and the boundaries needed to bring safety to our schools. Rahel will offer abuse prevention strategies for schools, and demonstrate how to tailor that abuse prevention to best fit your community.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Dr. Monica Ghandi and Chris Joffe, discuss the history of infectious diseases as it relates to schools. This will act as a roadmap for the current Covid culture schools are dealing with on a daily basis.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Lead associates at The ReSolutionaries Inc. and Chris Joffe, discuss restorative practices, which is a framework to prevent, resolve, and transform conflict. This webinar will offer concrete action items each school can takeaway to manage healing.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
In this 90-minute virtual event, Dr. Hagen shared real-time COVID facts, figures, projections, and recommendations to keep your school community healthy and safe.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
This introduction to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) provides a high level overview of the history, rules, and purpose of this important law. After completion of this module, participants will understand how FERPA applies to schools
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
Students in the United States have the right to be free from unreasonable searches; however, because of the unique need to maintain a safe atmosphere where learning and teaching can occur, schools must strike a balance between the two rights.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
School incidents can happen fast, which is why it is important to always have an incident report to document the factual information. This module will walk administration and health coordinators through the steps of a report and offer resources.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
The end of the year can be a very hectic time, and sometimes, necessary tasks can fall through the cracks. With this Closing Out a School Year Documentation module, administration can receive resources of tasks that need attention.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Mental Health
We know that now, more than ever, we want to focus on caring for the mental health of teachers and staff. But what exactly does that mean? This module will walk you through a research based framework for well-being at work.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Compliance
Children can experience harmful materials and inappropriate communications online. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was put into place- requiring schools to offer internet safety policies. This module will overview the CIPA guidelines.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Mental Health, Leadership
By the end of this training, you'll be able to confidently lead a debrief after an incident at your school.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Mental Health
This module will provide an overview of understanding the stages of trauma, how to intervene with a culturally-sensitive lens, and ways to support the recovery phase after an event.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership
This module will review the basics of cyberbullying: what is it, how frequent is it, and why is it particularly threatening? You will also review suggestions for schools to both implement plans for intervention and preventative measures.
All Courses, Urgent Response Resources
This training discusses the best practices when addressing a social media threat, such as the TikTok trend that affected schools in December of 2021.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Leadership
This module is an overview of Positive Youth Development that also provides the opportunity to evaluate your current programs or plan new ones using the lens of PYD.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Alex Kajitani, speaker, teacher and author, along with CEO of Joffe Emergency Services, Chris Joffe, discuss creating a culture of belonging and how to help staff and students feel healthy, safe and confident.
All Courses, The Speaker Series
Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Chris Joffe discuss helping your school staff better support students with a history of trauma as well as better understand each other.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Mental Health
Take this course to explore what a trauma informed school looks like. You'll be able to assess your school environment regarding being trauma informed and identify ways to implement trauma informed practices right away.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This pandemic coordinator training looks at the health and safety, facility and operations, as well as administration that is necessary.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Mental Health
Review belonging and mattering from a psychological perspective and plan using research-based ways to increase them in your school.
All Courses, Asynchronous Modules, Safety & Security
This course can be given directly to your faculty and staff. It discusses elements like calling 911, handling a fire, and much more.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This training focuses on the discussion of the best practices for school violence prevention.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This training was recorded in February-March of 2021 about educating your community about the Covid-19 vaccine. There is a recording of the training, the slide deck used in the training, and a template slide deck that you can use.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This was a recorded training from Jan 2021 in which participants honed understanding of the nuances of contact tracing, worked through grey-area situations together, and left more confident with navigating contact tracing issues.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This is from a live training recorded in 12/2020. The goals were for participants to build knowledge around debriefs including: - Who should be involved -How to set and communicate goals -How to facilitate -How to evaluate and improve
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This is a previously recorded workshop from 10/2020 where participants developed skills they could bring back to their response team: learning how to design, facilitate, and learn from tabletop exercises.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
You can show this training directly to your staff. It covers: Food service Safety while eating Recess Physical Education Youth sports Sharing objects Performing Arts
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This training is designed to support families, employees, or anyone adapting to working and/or learning from home more frequently during the 2020-2021 school year. It can be shown directly to your staff and community.
All Courses, Recorded Trainings
This plug and play training reviews: Food service Safety while eating Recess Physical Education Youth sports Sharing objects Performing Arts